This month, we hear from Bright Aryee, a graduate student of Geological Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science And Technology, now working for the Ghana Geological Survey Authority….
Graduate Stories: from my degree in Geology to Coastal Management
This month, we hear from Emma Bouie, a postgraduate student at Ohio State University. Emma specialises in coastal geomorphology, resilience strategies, and using GIS for effective public communication. She is committed…
Graduate Stories: from my Geology degree to Carbon Storage Scientist
In 2024, Geoscience for the Future is keen to highlight the stories of recent geoscience graduates! If you have a story to share, get in touch with us at….
Exploring the history of the Earth with QUARTETnary: the card game about the geological time scale
This blog is written by Dr. Iris van Zelst, a geophysicist working at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin, Germany. Iris studies the geodynamics and seismology of Venus and is…
Hello 2024! The Geoscience for the Future 2023 round-up
And here we are again- a new year, another round-up blog, and the 4th birthday for Geoscience for the Future! Since our initiative began in 2020, the world has been…
Why are there hidden lakes underneath giant ice sheets?
This blog is written by Rob Storrar, a glaciologist working at Sheffield Hallam University. He uses drones to make 3D models of glaciers to understand how they behave in a…
Did This Really Happen? Perspectives on Sexism in Geoscience
It is no secret that for many years, Geoscience has been dominated by (white) men. The landscape is slowly changing. Here in the UK, the Girls into Geoscience initiative engages…
Gaming and geohazards: Using games to improve risk communication at one of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes
Agnessa Spanellis is a gamification researcher at the University of Edinburgh. Agnessa thinks games are too good to be reserved for entertainment purposes only, and her research aims to use…
Climate change, flood risk, and the future of Geoscience
This week, we are excited to bring you another Geoscience for the Future Interview- We were lucky to catch up with Professor Dan Parsons at the recent International Conference of…
Balancing both sides: My career advocating for indigenous communities from within geoscience industry
This week, we are grateful to be joined by Collette Brown-Rodriguez for an interview on her career and passions in geoscience. Collette is based in the USA and has worked…