We want to make it easier for schools to find geoscientists keen to provide outreach sessions and subject support. #AskAGeo is place to find professional geoscientists working all over the world on a variety of topics!
Got questions about our planet?
Then #AskAGeo!
Choose a geoscientist from our list and contact them direct. You can discuss with them how you wish them to involve them in your class, and can let them know of any safeguarding requirements you may have*.
*Please note that Geoscience for the Future provides a hub of geoscientists active in outreach, but that all safeguarding conversations must occur direct between the teachers and geoscientists involved- some of the geoscientists may have DBS checks in place, others may not- this is not something Geoscience for the Future can bear responsibility for.
#AskAGeo Testimonials
After working at Bordeaux University for the last few years, we have been looking for engaging and interactive ideas for our French students to practice their English and also find out more about geology. After finding the website “Geosciences for the Future” and the #AskAGeo scheme, this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Our students contacted the geologist and had question/answer sessions, some had powerpoints and others real time “virtuel” on site learning. The programme was a huge success! The students were fully engaged, and they discussed and exchanged their ideas in order to present them later to the class. They then created a professional poster to be displayed at the university. We hope this encourages more students to choose geology as a research domain. I can’t thank the participants enough for their time, energy and expertise. Thanks to the huge success of this programme, we will have more students enrolled next year. Looking forward to working with you all again next year.
J Plaskett, English Lecturer at Bordeaux University, France
Thank you Natasha for offering to host a Geoscience presentation as there were problems with finding a volunteer. You quickly offered a date and produce an informative talk full of engaging videos. The children really enjoyed it, especially when they got to ask you lots of questions (which you happily and enthusiastically answered!). We all really loved hearing about your career and we spent the afternoon after the session discussing all about what we learnt. Thank you again!
Mrs Ali, St Margarets at Hasbury, UK secondary school
Our year 11 students had just finished their internal assessments and I had been exploring opportunities for some subject related enrichment (Geography). The opportunities offered by Geoforthefuture are fantastic. I was able to host two talks one hosted by Ben and one by Holly which focussed on careers in Geoscience and the role of mining. It was great to give the students the opportunity to see real life experiences of careers in this field and show them where future study in Geoscience could take them. The survey Ben provided prior to the talk enabled the students to engage prior to the talk and take an active part in the class discussion.
Mrs Sloggett, Felpham Community College, West Sussex, UK Secondary School
Our #AskAGeo Crew:
Dr. Wendy Bohon is a geologist who studies earthquakes and works to improve the communication of geologic hazards before, during and after they occur.
I am a Geotechnical Engineer working within the Piling Industry, specialising in piled techniques and embedded retaining walls. I am current Chair of the Federation of Piling Specialists’ Early Careers Group and took up this roll to increase awareness of opportunities in the geoscience industry at all educational levels, amongst other things.
I’m an early-career geologist in mineral exploration in Africa for base- and precious-metals. I’m convinced the world needs more young minds to be interested in geoscience fields for the key role we play in the green revolution. I’m passionate about the positive effects of sustainable mining and inspiring the next generation of geoscientists to make a difference.
I’m a geoscience consultant for 30+ years, and a researcher on coastal management, who is passionate about helping everybody to understand the Earth. Currently, I’m focused on teaching geology, geophysics and environmental science. If I don’t know, I know somebody who does!
In 2022, I completed my PhD in active tectonics, earthquakes and seismic hazards. Now, I’m researching New Zealand’s tsunami hazard from regional and distant sources. I am passionate about earthquake and tsunami science, disaster risk reduction, science communication and making geoscience accessible for all. Tweet me @TectoAisling.
I’m an earth scientist at the British Geological Survey. I use satellite data to understand natural hazards like earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides. I’m passionate about working on problems in international development, particularly in the areas of disaster risk reduction, climate change, poverty and global health. Tweet me @ekh_sci or email me at ekhuss@bgs.ac.uk
I’m a marine geologist at the University of Brighton, and I am passionate about our planet and the universe. I am often found on research ships in the world’s oceans studying the ever changing seafloor. I share my passion because I believe that for a sustainable, environmentally respectful future the world needs more geoscientists. Email me A.Georgiopoulou@brighton.ac.uk
I’m a Dutch/British field geologist, studying landscape evolution of mountains over the last tens of thousands to millions of years. I’m blog editor at Geology for Global Development, and geo editor for Science Seeker. I have also written about millennial scientists and the role of science in shaping society. Tweet me @JesseZondervan
I am a Geoscientist and I do energy and mining research! I’m passionate about the application of Machine Learning and Drones for Geoscience Research. I can chat about diversity in Geoscience, the different Geocareers & why we need Geoscientists for sustainable futures. Tweet me @TheDroneLady.
I’m a geophysicist studying the impacts of Space Weather (the cause of the northern lights) on ground-based technology, like power grids and pipelines. This means investigating variations in the Earth’s magnetic field and writing lots of computer code! Tweet me @GeomagGem
I am a resource geologist working on mineral deposits. I am passionate about geoscience education and getting kids interested in geoscience. Mining is essential to the green technology revolution and can be socially and economically positive. I encourage everyone to consider the raw materials required for modern day living and to fuel the energy transition! Tweet me @lepley_ben
I am a marine geologist at Bangor University. I let the seafloor tell me how glaciers retreated, how emerging beds support new life and how seabed infrastructure may get damaged in the future. Marine geology is a diverse topic and part of sustainable solutions. Tweet me @KJJVanLandeghem.
I’m Head of School of the Built and Natural Environment at University of Derby and Executive Secretary of Universities Geoscience UK. I work on how climate and environmental change is affecting coastlines and wetlands. I am passionate about how geoscientists can be a part of a sustainable future. Tweet me @SianDV .
I am George Rwegoshora, a Mine Geologist at Ruvuma Coal Mine in Tanzania. My main tasks are supervising the Geology while mining, doing quality analysis and mine mapping. On part time basis, I conduct Geoeducation and Geotourism programs for students. Tweet me @rwegolite.
I research Early Life and Astrobiology – the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the Universe! I look at the earliest evidence of life on land on Earth (in 3.5 billion-year-old rocks in Western Australia) and possible origins of life (on Earth and other planets). I am the Outreach Coordinator for Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland so am also happy to talk about volcanic risk management! Tweet me @MichaelaJDobson
I have spent 16 years working on geotechnical engineering projects both onshore and offshore globally. I am currently working as the Lead Project Manager, Site Investigations, for offshore wind energy developments in Taiwan and SE Asia. Email me at stf@woodthilsted.com
I’m a structural geologist and love investigating how earthquakes work – I do this by studying the record of faults and damaged rock left by ancient earthquakes that occurred millions of years ago. Tweet me @LucyAtFault.
I’m a sedimentologist and am interested in how water, pebbles, sands & muds all move around & are deposited across Earths surface. I am interested in how this impacts geohazards, such as floods, & how we use geology to reduce the risks to people and infrastructure. Tweet me @bedform.
I am a geoscientist/engineer passionate about all geohazards, especially landslides & volcanoes, disaster risk reduction and on how this is vital to build a sustainable future. I can talk about unusual paths to Geoscience and challenges faced as a mum working in Academia. Tweet me @Irene_Manzella.
I’m a geophysicist/seismologist interested in exploring the hidden world beneath our feet to better understand our present-day topography, and the location of mineral deposits beneath Scandinavia, Africa or Antarctica. As a Doctor, I take the temperature and scan our Planet to identify unusual features! Tweet me @GeophysicsLeice.
I’m a young geologist from Zimbabwe who is into exploration, not specifically into a single mineral. In my spare time I like learning new things, and share ideas with my juniors and superiors. Above all I like computer modelling. Tweet me @AudiousK.
I’m a geoscientist specialising in ore deposits associated with magmatic processes, a lecturer at Derby University and part of Women in Mining UK. I am passionate about green technology metals and the need for geologists in a sustainable future. Tweet me @DrHollyElliott or email me at h.elliott@derby.ac.uk.
I am a Professional Geoscientist involved in exploration geochemistry. I use geochemical data and work with mining clients (in Canada and internationally) searching for important resources like platinum group metals, gold and uranium. I am passionate about geoscience and am involved in mentoring, promoting careers and educating the public! My Instagram is @reactiongeological or email dleng@rgcinc.ca.
I’m a biogeochemical palaeoceanographer, which means I study the biology, geology and chemistry of ancient ocean sediments. I use this to uncover the reasons for past dramatic changes in Earth’s history. I’ve lectured around the world and started my own company, Geologize, which popularises the geosciences. My instagram is @geologizeofficial, or email me at haydon@geologize.org.
I am a seismologist. Rather than studying earthquakes, I use seismic waves to understand the world around us, from making CT scans of the deep Earth to understanding animal and human behaviour! I also enjoy science communication, particularly making use of 3D printing! Tweet me @seismo_koel or email paula.koelemeijer@rhul.ac.uk.
I’m a Chartered Professional Geologist, an Exploration Geologist and a bit of a mining geologist too. I’m currently exploring for gemstones in different parts of the world, especially Africa. I’ve worked with emeralds, rubies, and sapphires, and have also worked with important resources like iron and lithium. I’ve travelled in 45 countries and can talk about THE PASSION and the FUN involved in Exploring! Tweet me @anijsw or email anijsw@gmail.com.
I am a structural geologist, spent most of my career in oil, jumped ship to start a mining exploration company. I talk too much about why geology is important, the need to power the energy transition and the thrills of trying to build a company that wants to make a difference. Based in Norway. Tweet me @pokeitandsee or email me at liz@transition-elements.com.
I am Secretary-General of EuroGeoSurveys, a not-for-profit organization that represents 38 member European geological survey organisations and the geoscience projects they work on together. A geological mapper and geoscience communicator by training, I’m involved in geoscience policy, communication, and project and event coordination. I also write popular science and host geoscience podcasts. Tweet me @JulieHollisEGS.
I’m a geologist, paleontologist, and ichnologist. I study both modern & fossil traces – such as tracks, burrows, & more – from Georgia (USA) to Australia & places in between. I also write books about #ichnology! Tweet me @Ichnologist.
I am a geologist working on minerals needed for the Energy Transition. My job is at ITC @utwente, where our mission is capacity-building for developing countries. Any questions about minerals, igneous rocks, ore deposits, lithium, and remote sensing. Tweet me @GeoArjan.
I’m an Geologist with 3+ years experience working for
Ternan Energy, a marine geoscience consultancy in Aberdeen. I work on offshore site investigations, geological risk models and foundation design for the offshore renewables, oil and gas and subsea cables industries. Tweet me @Geo_Cat94.
I’m an ichnologist, which means I like fossils a lot! I worked as an academic for 15 years, leaving this summer to become Director of the @YorksFossilFest and start working with @H_Horizons, running rock and fossil activities for schools and the public. Tweet me @fossiliam.
I’m a postgraduate volcanology student, finding and ‘fingerprinting’ volcanic signals in environmental archives – peat, lakes, and stalagmites – to better understand the frequency and impacts of volcanism during the past 2 million years, and help us prepare for future eruptions! Tweet @alicepaine03 or email alice.paine@earth.ox.ac.uk.
I’m a sedimentologist and field geologist with 30 years of experience, interested in new ways to collect and use outcrop data. I know a bit about the oil industry and also dabble in structural geology and volcanoes. Passionate about science outreach! Tweet me @virtualgeol.
I study Earth history using sedimentary rocks. I’m especially interested in “deep-time” states when Earth experienced major glaciation, monsoons, and dusty atmospheres. I’m also interested in how rock weathering can tell us about past climate, and how dust can be both an archive and agent of climate and climate change. Email me at lsoreg@ou.edu.
I’m a volcanologist interested in volcanic gases and how we can use them to monitor volcanoes to help reduce volcanic risk. I originally studied physics and have really enjoyed applying the skills I learnt there to studying volcanoes! Tweet me @volcano_Ben.
I’m an exploration geologist with a PhD. I have worked all over the globe, from Papua New Guinea to Perú, on a variety of copper and gold deposits. I can chat about the fun and science behind exploring for them, and why they are important. Tweet me @stephsykora or Instagram @stephaniesykora.
I’m a geoscientist passionate about sedimentology, ancient ice ages, and ensuring geoscience is open to everyone! I can chat about glaciers and glaciation, Snowball Earth, and getting more Girls into Geoscience. Tweet me @mariebusfield.
I’m a geochemist who’s just done a PhD on Colombian volcanoes! I love asking the rocks they erupt “Where have you been?”, using chemistry to find out how they formed and the journey they’ve been on through the earth. Also the sustainable energy/resources of volcanoes. Tweet me @daveycavell.
I’m a geotechnical engineer/engineering geologist. I’ve 5+ years industry experience but also know what it’s like to switch geography undergrad to geology/geotech postgrad. I work with geotechnical models and on site logging soils and rocks. #DiversityInGeo. Tweet me @WorkingFiiOut.
I research limestones in extreme environments, looking at how temperature, ocean chemistry, sea level, humans, and even volcanism affects the development of reefs. I’ve worked in academia and industry. Happiest diving on a reef in the deep blue yonder! Tweet me @StephenLokier or email s.lokier@bangor.ac.uk.
I’m a Volcanologist and love to talk about all things volcanoes and magma. I also like to talk about geohazards and how we use Geology to reduce the risk communities face from them. I can also tell you what it is like to study geology at University. Tweet me @volcanologist.
I am an accidental geologist + postgrad! I am a polymath data scientist by profession who studies and does disaster and critical incident response communication. Happy to talk about careers down the road less travelled. Tweet me @WriterPeck.
I’m a geoscientist passionate about sustainable mineral extraction, volcanology & promoting geoscience careers! I use the chemistry of rocks to understand processes that concentrate essential elements needed for low carbon technologies. Happy to answer all geo related Qs! Tweet me @RebeccaPaisley9.
I am a geoscientist by heart and mind, passionate about clays, water, reservoirs, and sustainable leadership. I have been involved in a variety of geology projects such as mining, groundwater, offshore drilling, environmental protection, and recycling all around the globe. I can talk about the future of oil & gas, the environment, and water. Tweet me @esan332.
I’m a volcanologist* who is fascinated by volcanoes and how and why humans live beside them. I work in Latin America and use satellite images, gas data, and peoples’ stories to understand how volcanoes and people interact. I want to chat about why geoscience is cool – and why I think everyone can be a geoscientist! Tweet me at @AilsaNaismith.
*(think rock, not Spock!)
I love sediments and everything sand! I would love to hear your questions around sediments, fault-influenced sediments, and provenance (the origin of sediments)! Tweet @Hazelb_Geo or email me at hazel.beaumont@uwe.ac.uk.
I’m a lecturer at the University of Glasgow and I’m interested in the chemistry of a wide range of geoscience processes from carbon capture and storage to pollution. I can chat about how geoscientists can address big global challenges like climate change and pollution, to make the world a better place. Tweet me @DrJohnMacUoG.
I’m a geoscientist passionate about volcanology, sustainability, & making geoscience open to all! I’ve worked in the energy industry, have unpicked stories of eruptions in Greece & Spain, and am now a UK lecturer. I can chat about why we need geoscientists & geocareers! Tweet @DrNatashaDowey or email me at N.Dowey@shu.ac.uk.