MSc in Renewable Energy Engineering, Kingston University London.
I am yet to complete my MSc in Renewable Energy Engineering at Kingston University starting in January 2023. I have chosen to do an MSc because it is the most fulfilling way for me to develop my knowledge, but also because it allows me to solve problems that directly affect the environment. Studying a master’s degree in this field is important to me because I want to be open to new ideas and future technologies. My decision was also influenced by London’s relatively pleasant and welcoming atmosphere. I am looking forward to living in London while pursuing my postgraduate degree.
During my undergraduate degree, my passion for renewable energies grew due to modules in geotechnics, sedimentology and igneous and metamorphic petrology. I was introduced to renewable energy in my second year where we were given a project about wind power that was assessed in geotechnics by navigating where the wind turbine was located as well as interpreting the data obtained from the ground investigation and recommending the detailed schedule of sampling and laboratory testing that should be carried out to provide the data.
As a result, I continued to learn more about other topics in other modules such as geothermal energy, how it formed, and its economic and environmental impact on society. As well as technologies I also find Carbon Capture and Storage fascinating and was able to complete research on where and how carbon dioxide is trapped. What triggered my interest in this topic was learning about environmental consequences and reading about incorporating renewable energy sources in carbon capture. That was when I realised how these fields may be combined.
I believe an opportunity in MSc Renewable Energy Engineering at Kingston University is a step in the right direction towards attaining my career goals. Primarily, the course will provide me with a deeper understanding of methods I can use in making data-driven decisions. Secondly, this course will prepare me for work in industry for either internships or graduate positions, as by studying further my confidence will grow. I am very excited about exploring these options as I delve deeper into the energy industry and my chosen career. Thirdly, the programme’s adaptability means that I can expand my knowledge in energy-related disciplines as well as other elective topics. Becoming a geoscientist specifically, I believe, is going to be a great honour in the future, especially with the background knowledge I have as a geology graduate. I have had a whole year of widening my knowledge through online seminars and an internship program at Chevron in Lagos, Nigeria. I believe this master’s programme will be of great advantage to me, as foreign experience will allow me to work for large international firms that are heavily involved in the energy industry of my country and other countries. Make sure you study something you really enjoy – just like me. You won’t regret it!